May 2025

Art – Adult & Junior (includes Hung Up In Blue – Hanging Creations Awards)

Includes 2D art of every medium, sculpture and computer generated art.






Art (includes Hung Up in Blue Awards)

Fri 10 May

Mon 20 May, 7.30am-10.30am & 3pm-6pm

Competitions Office

Hung Up in Blue  – Hanging Creations Awards

Make an amazing hanging creation featuring the colour blue, and you could win a big prize!    It is all part of celebrating the Freds Pass Rural Show’s 45th year with it’s theme colour of Sapphire Blue.  All creations will be hung in Lakeview Hall for display during the show.

Prize Money:

Adult                                First:  $200, Second:  $130, Third:  $70

Junior                              First:  $150, Second:  $100, Third:  $50

Junior Group Effort       First:  $150, Second:  $100, Third:  $50

Click here for the full information about this special competition.

Art – Adult


This section is open to amateur artists only.

  • All exhibits must be presented with the exhibitor’s name and contact details printed on the back.
  • All entries/exhibits must not exceed 1 metre by 1 metre including frame and must be mounted and fitted with hooks/wire/cord attached, ready to hang.  Exhibits that cannot be hung will not be accepted.  The exception is Class 4006 Digital/computer generated art, which may be presented on paper or card with hook velcro on the back, ready to be velcroed to a display board. 
  • Maximum 3 entries per person per class.
  • All entries must be own work. No entries completed before the preceding twelve months will be accepted.
  • The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Art definition: two dimensional drawings and paintings on backing equipped to be hung (Classes 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004).
  • Open to amateur artists only. Amateur artists are defined as artists who do not derive more than 25% of their annual income from the production of their artwork. Such income is to include prize monies, value of art awards and scholarships received during the 12 months prior to the show.
  • Some of the art is for sale – please see the Steward in attendance, who will put you in touch with the artist.

Deliver to Creative Pavilion

  • Monday 20 May, 7.30 am – 10.30 am and 3 pm – 6 pm


Entry Fees: Non-Members $2.40; Members/Pensioners/Seniors $1.20

Entries Close: Friday 10 May, no late entries will be accepted

Special Prizes: 

Best in Section – Rosette plus $20                                                  Kevin Harlan

Sapphire Blue Award – for the exhibit that best incorporates the colour blue (being the theme colour for the Freds Pass Rural Show’s 45th year) – $50            FRM Refrigeration & Air Conditioning


Class 4001 Portrait, people or animals, any medium               Clare Construction & Civil

Class 4002 Territory subject, any medium                                 Clare Construction & Civil

Class 4003 Still life, any medium                                                 Clare Construction & Civil

Class 4004 Open subject, any medium                                       Coolalinga Newsagency

Class 4005 Art piece or sculpture, open subject, any item not eligible for exhibiting in other Art classes                                                                                                                 Christine Simpson

Class 4006 Digital/computer generated art, any subject, printed        Clare Construction & Civil       

Art – Junior


  • Only five (5) exhibits per class per school grade/group (if entering through a school/community group) due to space restrictions.  Exhibits for Classes 4101, 4105, 4109 and 4117 are limited to one per school grade/group.
  • Each child can enter only one (1) exhibit in each of the below Classes.
  • All work must be the creation of the exhibitor.
  • All exhibits, in all mediums must be A4 size only with velcro (scratchy/rough/hook side) on the back at all four corners for attaching to display boards. The velcro may be placed on top of pieces of masking tape (optional) so that when the velcro is removed the artwork isn’t damaged.  No wires, no art canvases, no framed art will be accepted.  Suggestion – cardboard, matt board cut to A4 size is a great firm surface for A4 entries.  A4 is 21cm x 29.5cm.
  • Exempted from A4 size are Classes 4101, 4105, 4109 and 4117, where exhibits must not exceed 1.5 m x 1 m. These larger exhibits MUST have hanging capabilities ie wire, rope at the back.
  • All exhibits must have the child’s name, age, grade and name of school (if art is entered by the school) in capitals on the back of each exhibit. School names are not to be shown on the front of any exhibits.
  • Private entries will be accepted in all categories.

Deliver to Creative Pavilion

  • Monday 20 May, 7.30 am – 10.30 am and 3 pm – 6pm


Entry Fees: Children $1.20

Entries Close: Friday 10 May, no late entries will be accepted

Special Prizes: 

Best in Section – Rosette plus $20                                                  Kevin Harlan

Sapphire Blue Award – for the exhibit that best incorporates the colour blue (being the theme colour for the Freds Pass Rural Show’s 45th year) – $50         FRM Refrigeration & Air Conditioning


Ages 5 years and under

Class 4101 Group mural/collage, 1.5 m x 1 m max, must be ready for hanging                                                                                                                                       Lia Finocchiaro MLA

Class 4102 Drawing, pencil, charcoal, biro, felt pen, crayon or pastel                                                                                                                                                        Marie-Clare Boothby MLA

Class 4103 Painting, any medium                                                   Eva Lawler MLA

Class 4104 NT subject, any medium                                              Lia Finocchiaro MLA

Ages 6 – 8 years

Class 4105 Group mural/collage 1.5 m x 1 m max, must be ready for hanging                                                                                                                                       Marie-Clare Boothby MLA

Class 4106 Drawing, pencil, charcoal, biro, felt pen, crayon or pastel  

                                                                                                              Coolalinga Newsagency

Class 4107 Painting, any medium                                                   Christine Simpson

Class 4108 NT subject, any medium                                              Lia Finocchiaro MLA

Ages 9 – 12 years

Class 4109 Group mural/collage 1.5 m x 1 m max, must be ready for hanging

                                                                                                               Mark Turner MLA

Class 4110 Drawing, pencil, charcoal, biro, felt pen, crayon or pastel               Mark Turner MLA

Class 4111 Painting, any medium                                                   Marie-Clare Boothby MLA

Class 4112 NT subject, any medium                                              Eva Lawler MLA

Ages 13 – 17 years

Class 4113 Drawing, pencil, charcoal, biro, felt pen, crayon or pastel     Eva Lawler MLA

Class 4114 Painting, any medium                                                   Eva Lawler MLA

Class 4115 NT subject, any medium                                              Marie-Clare Boothby MLA

Class 4116 Digital/computer generated art, any subject, printed               Rural Garden Club

Special Needs

Class 4117 Group mural/collage 1.5 m x 1 m max, must be ready for hanging    Mark Turner MLA

Class 4118 Drawing, pencil, charcoal, biro, felt pen, crayon or pastel      Eva Lawler MLA

Class 4119 Painting, any medium                                                   Marie-Clare Boothby MLA

Class 4120 NT subject, any medium                                              Lia Finocchiaro M